by Interns DC | Aug 22, 2017 | Employment Tips, Internship Tips
How can a new intern hit the ground running? Internships often span just a few months, so you don’t have the luxury of time to get acquainted or ramp up your skills. Here’s some tips on how to jumpstart your transition and get you headed in the right direction fast....
by Interns DC | Jul 25, 2017 | Employment Tips, Internship Tips
The value of an internship runs much deeper than the dollars that hit your bank account. That’s a good thing, too, since many internships pay very little (if they pay you at all). The social benefits for interns are widely talked about and are a great way to network....
by Interns DC | Jun 6, 2017 | Employment Tips, Internship Tips
Did you know that the widely-beloved Microsoft® solitaire game was created by a summer intern? It’s true. Virtual interns can do data analysis, software development, social media management, office work, presentations and so much more without stepping through an...
by Interns DC | May 23, 2017 | Employment Tips, Internship Tips
You already know you’ll be the run-around person of the office, at least for a while. But that doesn’t mean you want your co-workers to forget you—or remember you for the wrong reasons. Avoiding these 7 treacherous pitfalls can make your internship more...
by Interns DC | May 16, 2017 | Employment Tips, Internship Advice
Interviewing for internships is not a one way street. You are interviewing the company just as they are interviewing you. Knowing if this is the right company for you is as important as knowing if you are right for them. But how can you see a bad one coming? Here...
by Interns DC | Apr 26, 2017 | Employment Tips, Internship Tips
Have you ever heard of an informational interview? Here’s where you can drop the nervousness and the tension, because informational interviews are totally pressure-free. Informational interviews are informal meetings with a company representative to discuss company...