Greetings my esteemed readership. Happy 4th of July!
Your editor-in-chief Martha here, back with the third in our series of “The Month of…”
If you saw our first two “The Month of…” articles, you’ll know what this series is all about. If you didn’t, where were you? Check them out here and here.
As with May and June’s post, I’ll round up of not only what the month of July 2015 represents nationally, but also the crazy, weird and wacky days July 2015 is going to bring too.
July 2015 is the national month of:
Blueberries – A super healthy and tasty treat for summer.
- Anti-Boredom – It’s summer, bored is one word that definitely shouldn’t be in your vocabulary.
- Cell Phone Courtesy – Phones down, heads up! Forget the selfies! It’s the month to get back to meeting and talking to people in real life, and not over your cell phone.
- Hot Dogs – One of our countries favorite snacks.
- Ice Cream – It is summer after all!
July 2015 Daily Holidays and Crazy/Fun Days:
- July 1: Canada Day – A day to celebrate our neighbors to the north.
- July 1: Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day – Time to try out the weirdest and wackiest ice cream flavors while you cool down.
- July 1: International Joke Day – Brighten up someone’s day and get cracking those jokes people.
- July 3: Compliment Your Mirror Day – Let’s be honest, we’re all way too hard on ourselves. This is a day to change that. Take some time out and give yourself a compliment.
July 4: Independence Day – One of our greatest holidays. It’s time to celebrate all things American.
- July 4: National Country Music Day – America does love country music.
- July 6: National Fried Chicken Day – 4th of July weekend may be over, but there’s still reason to celebrate – it’s national fried chicken day!
- July 7: Chocolate Day – YES PLEASE!!
- July 7: National Strawberry Sundae Day – It’s summer and it’s ice cream month, we really don’t need another excuse.
- July 8: Video Games Day – We’re the gaming generation, so this one really shouldn’t be a problem.
- July 9: National Sugar Cookie Day – I’m sensing a trend with the food days in July!
- July 11: Cheer up the Lonely Day – Go say hi! It’s nice to be nice.
- July 12: Pecan Pie Day – Do you like nuts? Pie? Do you have a sweet tooth? This is the perfect day for you.
- July 14: Bastille Day – Let’s join in the celebrations with our French friends across the Atlantic as they celebrate their liberation.
- July 15: Tapioca Pudding Day – The perfect treat to cool down on a hot summers day.
- July 16: Fresh Spinach Day – After all the sweetness, it’s time to get some veggie’s in our diet.
- July 17: Peach Ice Cream Day – A flavor with a difference, but we won’t say no.
- July 19: National Ice Cream Day – The best Sunday and summer treat.
- July 19: National Raspberry Cake Day – Did someone say cake?
- July 20: National Lollipop Day – A nice sugary treat to brighten up your day.
- July 20: Moon Day – One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. It’s 46 years to the day since man landed on the moon.
- July 21: National Junk Food Day – Really? Isn’t the whole month one big junk food mash up?
July 22: Hammock Day – You’re going to have to take some time out to let all the July sweetness digest.
- July 23: National Hot Dog Day – Another excuse to have one of our favorite savory snacks.
- July 23: Vanilla Ice Cream Day – Simple, but always tasty.
- July 24: Cousins Day – Our cousins were our first best friends, show them some love.
- July 26: Parent’s Day – We’ve had Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, now it’s time to celebrate both together.
- July 27: Take Your Pants for a Walk Day – Time to walk off all that sweetness before the last few days of indulgence.
- July 28: National Milk Chocolate Day – National Chocolate Day and National Milk Chocolate Day in the same month? July you are spoiling us!
- July 29: National Lasagna Day – One of oldest types of pasta, and one of the tastiest too.
- July 30: National Cheesecake Day – Not a bad way to finish off this foodie month.
- July 30: International Day of Friendship – Where would we be without our friends? Take some time out and tell them how much you appreciate them.
Is anyone going to take on the challenge of celebrating every food day July has to offer? Your dentist will love you. Happy 4th esteemed readership.