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U.S. State Department Foreign Policy Classroom – June 9th *RSVP TO ATTEND*
December 24, 2019


The U.S. Department of State
Foreign Policy Classroom
Speaker: Jennifer Larson, Deputy Director and Spokesperson
Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Topic: “Foreign Policy Challenges and Opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa”

If you are interested in attending this program, there will be a group from WISH going! To join us, please RSVP to Lauren Korolevich at lauren@internshipsdc.com by Thursday, June 5th at 12:00pm.

In your RSVP email, you must include the following information:

–          First Name
–          Last Name
–          Date of Birth
–          School
–          Student or Faculty ID Number (If you do not have one just put N/A)
–          Driver License or Passport Number
–          State or Country of Issue

Date: Monday, June 9, 2014
Time: 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Check in will begin at 1:30p.m. Please arrive no later than 1:50p.m. to allow for time to pass through security and registration.
U.S Department of State, 2201 C St. NW.  (Dean Acheson Audtiorium)
Enter through the 23rd street entrance, between C and D Streets. Bring photo ID.

Jennifer Larson joined the Foreign Service in March, 2003. Currently Spokesperson at the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, her most recent overseas tour was in Libya where she was Principal Officer in Benghazi, and then Acting Deputy Chief of Mission in Tripoli. 

She has also served in Pakistan, France, Sudan, Jerusalem and Lebanon.  Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Ms. Larson worked for NPR’s San Francisco affiliate as a talk show producer.  She completed her undergraduate and graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley in Comparative Literature (Arabic, Spanish and French) and Middle East Studies.